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The disadvantages of transplantation compared to dialysis are the surgical risks and the need to take immunosuppressant drugs that have side effects. It is impossible to predict in advance how many years the transplant will last. Despite these disadvantages, most patients choose surgery over dialysis if they have the option of obtaining a donor kidney.

The less time a patient spends on dialysis before transplantation, the better the prognosis. Ideally, surgery should be done before dialysis is needed. Kidney transplantation is performed on patients who do not have cancer and infectious diseases. The operation takes about 4 hours. During it, the patient's own filtering organs are not removed. The donor kidney is mounted in the lower part of the abdomen, as shown in the figure. Features of the postoperative period.

A kidney transplant is usually better than dialysis. After the operation, it is requiredI have regular examinations and consultations with specialists, especially during the first year. In the first months, blood tests are taken several times a week. Further, their frequency decreases, but regular visits to buy prednisone online medical facility will still be needed.

Rejection of a transplanted kidney may occur despite the use of prednisone medications. His signs. fever, reduced urine output, swelling, pain in the kidney area. It is important to take action in time, not to miss the moment, to urgently contact the doctors. It will be possible to return to work approximately in 8 weeks. But each patient has his own individual situation and the speed of recovery after surgery. It is recommended to follow a diet with restriction of dietary salt and fats. You need to drink plenty of fluids.

Men and women living with a transplanted kidney often even manage to have children. Women are advised to become pregnant no earlier than one year after the operation. How long can a diabetic with a transplanted kidney live? Roughly speaking, a successful kidney transplant prolongs the life of a diabetic by 4-6 years. A more accurate answer to this question depends on many factors. 80% of diabetics live at least 5 years after kidney transplantation. 35% of patients manage to live 10 years or more. As you can see, the chances of success of the operation are considerable.

The diabetic has been waiting for a kidney transplant for a long time, treated with dialysis for 3 years or longer. The age of prednisone pills at the time of surgery is over 45 years. Experience of type 1 diabetes 25 years or more. A kidney from a living donor is better than a cadaveric one. Sometimes, along with a cadaveric kidney, the pancreas is also transplanted. Consult with specialists about the advantages and disadvantages of such an operation compared to a conventional kidney transplant.

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To date, no doctor would approve of this. However, if you follow a standard diet, your blood glucose levels will be high and fluctuating. With a transplanted organ, the same thing that has already happened with your own kidneys can quickly happen.

After the transplanted kidney has taken root normally, you can switch to a low-carbohydrate diet at your own risk. Because this is the only solution to bring sugar back to normal and keep it consistently normal.

To reiterate, switching to a low-carbohydrate diet after a kidney transplant is at your own risk. First make sure you have a good blood test result for creatinine and a glomerular filtration rate above the threshold level. For more information, read the article "How the Diabetes Diet Affects the Kidneys".

Officially, a low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics living with a kidney transplant is frowned upon. No research has been done on this subject. However, on English-language sites you can find stories of people who took risks and got good results. They enjoy normal blood sugar, good cholesterol and blood pressure. My child is now 6 years old, has been suffering from type 1 diabetes for the third year. During the next examination, hypoplasia of the left kidney was found. Is this a complication of diabetes?

How serious is this? Otherwise, it grows and develops more or less normally. We can�t go to buy prednisone online, because there isn�t one in our village, it�s hard to get to him. found hypoplastic left kidney. Is this a complication of diabetes? How serious is this? I think it is not related to diabetes and most likely not dangerous.

Good afternoon Glycated hemoglobin 6.9%, after some exercise. Fasting sugar 5.5-5.8. After breakfast, it rises to 7, and after 2 hours it drops to 6.1-6.3. Increased thyroid antibodies and recently started taking the drug because the level of the hormone T3 has changed. There is anemia. Main question. the problem is in the kidneys, the sand and the cyst are small, aching. And last year itching. I read everything on your website about kidney failure.